Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Windows XP Pro Performance Edition (PE) August.2009 | 280 MB

Modifying for performance XP Pro with updates to August 2009. Fully updated with the possibility of adding some tweaks. Only a complete new installation, without the upgrade.
Year: 2009
Platform: x86/Win XP
Size: 280 MB
System requirements:Standard requirements for Windows XPWe recommend 256 MB of RAM or more.1.5 GB of free hard disk spaceThe following components have been removed:
Applications:BriefcaseGamesInternet GamesPinballScreensaversDrivers:Asynchronous Transfer Mode (ATM)Display AdaptersDisplay Adapters (old)IBM PS / 2 TrackPointIBM ThinkPadISDNLogitech WingManMicrosoft SideWinderModemsMultifunctionalPrintersScannersSerial Pen TabletSony Jog DialTape drivesToshiba DVD decoder cardHardware Support:ATM SupportBrother DevicesGravis Digital GamePortIomega Zip driveMulti-port serial adaptersRamdiskWindows CE USB HostMultimedia:AOL ART Image Format SupportImages and BackgroundsIntel Indeo codecsMedia CenterMouse CursorsMovie MakerMusic SamplesOld CDPlayer and Sound RecorderTablet PCWindows Media PlayerWindows SoundsNetwork:Client for Netware NetworksCommunication toolsComtrol Test Terminal ProgramConnection ManagerFrontPage ExtensionsH323 MSPInternet Connection WizardInternet Information Services (IIS)IP ConferencingMSN ExplorerNetmeetingNetShell Cmd-ToolNetwork DiagnosticPeer-to-PeerShare Creation WizardSynchronization ManagerTAPI Application SupportVector Graphics Rendering (VML)Web FoldersWindows MessengerOperating System Options:NET FrameworkBlaster / Nachi removal toolColor SchemesDesktop Cleanup WizardDocument TemplatesDR WatsonFAT to NTFS converterFile and Settings WizardFile System EncryptionHelp and SupportIExpress WizardManual Install and UpgradeMS AgentMS XML 2.0Out of Box Experience (OOBE)Private Character EditorRemote Installation Services (RIS)Search AssistantSecurity CenterService Pack MessagesSymbolic Debugger (NTSD)TourWeb ViewServices:Application Layer GatewayError ReportingIndexing ServiceMessengerNetwork DDERemote RegistryRemovable StorageRoute Listening ServiceRPC LocatorService Advertising ProtocolSimple TCP / IP ServicesTelnetDirectories:DOCSSUPPORTVALUEADDAdditions and changes:TCP / IP Half-Open Connections = 1000 (Default 10)UXTheme Patch (Allows Unsigned Themes to be applied to XP)Windows System File Checker Disabled (SFC)Tweaks:Boot and Shutdown-Auto-End tasks immediatelyBoot and Shutdown-Auto-Kill hung applications immediatelyBoot and Shutdown-Auto-Kill hung services immediatelyBoot and Shutdown-Ctrl-Alt-Del at logon-DisabledBoot and Shutdown-Logon Page-ClassicBoot and Shutdown-Setup Prefetch-Cache-DisabledBoot and Shutdown-Status Messages-ExtendedDesktop-Desktop icons size-32Desktop-Internet Explorer icon-HideDesktop-My Computer icon-ShowDesktop-My Documents icon-ShowDesktop-My Network Places icon-HideDesktop-Recycle Bin icon-ShowExplorer-Add (un) register libraries in Context MenuExplorer-Add 'Command Prompt' to folder context menuExplorer-Advanced Search: preconfigure optionsExplorer-Associate additional file types with NotepadExplorer-Change Windows Explorer folder view-DetailsExplorer-Classic Control PanelExplorer-Disable Accessibility keyboard shortcutsExplorer-Disable AutorunExplorer-Disable Prefix: Shortcut toExplorer-Disable shortcut arrowExplorer-Disable Web Files and Folders connectionExplorer-Display the contents of system foldersExplorer-Launch folder windows in a separate processExplorer-Show Drive Letters in front of Drive NamesExplorer-Show extensions of known file-typesExplorer-Show hidden files and foldersExplorer-Show Map Network Drives buttons in Explorer barExplorer-Show Statusbar in all windowsExplorer-Show the full path in the Address BarExplorer-Show the full path in the Title BarExplorer-Use small icons in Explorer barInternet Explorer-Disable information bar when popup is blockedInternet Explorer-Disable Market Place bookmarkInternet Explorer-Disable Media Player 6.4 created bookmarksInternet Explorer-Disable Outlook Express link creationInternet Explorer-Disable Password-CachingInternet Explorer-Disable sound when popup is blockedInternet Explorer-Enable Google URL-SearchInternet Explorer-Keep IE URL-History for-0 DaysInternet Explorer-Set Homepage-www.google.comInternet Explorer-Set Internet Explorer to accept 10 connects at a timeInternet Explorer-Set popup-blocker to highMy Computer-Add Administrative ToolsMy Computer-Add Control PanelMy Computer-Add Control Panel to Context MenuMy Computer-Add Device Manager to Context MenuMy Computer-Add Drive Cleanup to Context MenuMy Computer-Add Event Viewer to Context MenuMy Computer-Add Network ConnectionsMy Computer-Add Registry Editor to Context MenuMy Computer-Add Scheduled TasksNetwork-Allow receiving Remote Assistance-DisableNetwork-Disable restoring mapped network drives on logonPerformance-Disable Info Tips on Files and FoldersPerformance-Disable Last accessed Timestamp on filesPerformance-Disable Optimize harddisk when idlePerformance-Disable Tracking of Broken Shortcut LinksPerformance-Disable WBEM loggingPerformance-Do not cache thumbnailsPrivacy-Disable Driver Update Internet promptPrivacy-Disable File MRU-ListPrivacy-Remove AlexaSecurity-Always show Updates under SoftwareSecurity-Disable DCOMSecurity-Disable Web Open With promptSecurity-Re-Enable user: pass URLsStart Menu-Add Administrative Tools menuStart Menu-Clear most recently opened documents list on logoffStart Menu-Control Panel-Display as a menuStart Menu-Disable and remove Documents list from the Start MenuStart Menu-Disable Highlight newly installed programsStart Menu-Do not use Personalized MenusStart Menu-My Computer-Display as a menuStart Menu-My Documents-Display as a menuStart Menu-My Music-Don't display this itemStart Menu-My Network Places-Don't display this itemStart Menu-My Pictures-Don't display this itemStart Menu-Network Connections-Display as Connect to menuStart Menu-Printers and Faxes-Display as a menuStart Menu-Reduce popup delayStart Menu-Remove Search For People from SearchStart Menu-Remove Search the Internet from SearchStart Menu-Remove Set Program Access and DefaultsStart Menu-Remove Windows Catalog shortcutStart Menu-Scroll ProgramsStart Menu-Use small icons in Start PanelTaskbar-Disable Balloon TipsTaskbar-Disable Group similar Taskbar buttonsTaskbar-Disable Hide inactive iconsTaskbar-Disable Language-BarTaskbar-Hide Volume Control Icon in System TrayTaskbar-Lock the Taskbar-YesVisual Effects-Animate windows when minimizing and maximizing-DisableVisual Effects-Menu animation-DisableVisual Effects-Menu shadows-DisableVisual Effects-Menu style-FlatVisual Effects-Smooth edges of screen fonts-Clear TypeIncludes the following drivers:Intel ICH7R / M, ICH8R / M, ICH9R / M or ICH10R / D S-ATA AHCI and RAID ControllersIntel ICH8/ICH9 S-ATA AHCI ControllersIntel ICH6M S-ATA AHCI ControllersIntel ICH5R S-ATA RAID ControllersnForce2 / 3 SataRAID, nForce2/3/4 PataRAID and all nForce4 Intel Edition RAIDnForce4 AMD, nForce 430/410 (MCP51) or nForce 590/570/550 (MCP55)nForce MCP73 SataRAIDExtras. figures in:VLK Serial NumberFirewall DisabledSystem Restore Service DisabledAutomatic Updates Disabled (Can be re-enabled)
Default Theme Set on Classic (Can Change)
Checksums imageMD5: 6CB606A01C7C26888586FF4710CAE056SHA1: 135EBD7D1F2F3F91F600D87856513F7860F6134E

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